Friday, December 14, 2012

My Love Affair With Hubspot, The Company That Keeps On Giving

As a marketer, I am a HUGE believer in self-learning.  As our world constantly changes around us thanks to new technology, it is important for marketers to stay two steps ahead of everyone else.  Why?

Because they have to understand how people's demands change over time while also adapting the way they communicate to these people through ever changing channels.  Here begins my love affair with Hubspot, a marketing software created by two MIT graduates.  They are headquartered in Cambridge, MA, financed by Google, and growing exponentially.  Not only is their software changing the way the world markets products and services, but they are also inundating the marketing space with valuable educational content; webinars, infographics, e-Books, and more to help the average, everyday marketer hone their skills and learn new tricks of the trade.  The best part?  All of these valuable educational resources are FREE.

What have I learned from Hubspot you might ask?  Not only have I educated myself on how to layout the most optimized company Facebook and LinkedIn pages, but I have also learned how to set up the best landing page, what customers are looking for in content, and EVEN how to create a handmade infographic using PowerPoint and Pixlr.  This is additional to their core message: that inbound marketing is the way of the future.  Instead of mass marketing to a large audience in a hit-or-miss fashion through outbound methods like TV spots, magazine advertisements, trade-shows, and more, inbound marketing focuses on bringing the leads to YOU through a combination of strong organic SEO, landing pages, calls to action, and content, content, content.  Companies end up shortening their sales cycle because leads are qualified, and warm.  These are people that have been driven to you in a more individual, personalized manner.  This concept is changing the way companies market to consumers, forever.

So this holiday season, ask yourself, is your company not only providing a service, or product, but also changing the way people think and learn?  What is your company doing for your community?  You might be missing out on a huge opportunity by narrowly focusing just on sales.  It is the whole package that gives a company a competitive edge, strong brand awareness and the ability to sell.  And in the meantime, take a look at all of Hubspot's free resources HERE and read their blog HERE.  I guarantee their wealth of information, innovative ideas, and more will instil a new fiery passion for marketing in your heart, as it has in mine.